Source code for formelsammlung.venv_utils


    Utility function for working with virtual environments.

    :copyright: 2020 (c) Christian Riedel
    :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE file for more details
"""  # noqa: D205, D208, D400
import contextlib
import os
import shutil
import sys

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

OS_BIN = "Scripts" if sys.platform == "win32" else "bin"

[docs]def get_venv_path() -> Path: """Get path to the venv from where the python executable runs. :raises FileNotFoundError: when no calling venv can be detected. :return: Return venv path """ if hasattr(sys, "real_prefix"): return Path(sys.real_prefix) # type: ignore[no-any-return,attr-defined] # pylint: disable=E1101 if sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix: return Path(sys.prefix) raise FileNotFoundError("No calling venv could be detected.")
[docs]def get_venv_bin_dir(venv_path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: """Return path to bin/Scripts dir of given venv. :param venv_path: Path to venv :raises FileNotFoundError: when no bin/Scripts dir can be found for given venv. :return: Path to bin/Scripts dir """ bin_dir = Path(venv_path) / OS_BIN if bin_dir.is_dir(): return bin_dir raise FileNotFoundError(f"Given venv has no '{OS_BIN}' directory.")
[docs]def get_venv_tmp_dir( venv_path: Union[str, Path], search_tmp_dirs: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None, create_if_missing: bool = False, create_dir_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Path: """Return path to tmp/temp dir of given venv. :param venv_path: Path to venv :param search_tmp_dirs: List of temp dir names to look for; defaults to ("tmp", "temp", ".tmp", ".temp") :param create_if_missing: Create a temp dir in the given venv if non exists; defaults to ``False`` :param create_dir_name: Name of the venv to create; defaults to ``tmp`` :raises FileNotFoundError: when no tmp/temp dir can be found for given venv. :return: Path to tmp/temp dir """ tmp_dirs = search_tmp_dirs if search_tmp_dirs else ("tmp", "temp", ".tmp", ".temp") for tmp_dir in tmp_dirs: tmp_path = Path(venv_path) / tmp_dir if tmp_path.is_dir(): return tmp_path if create_if_missing: tmp_path = Path(venv_path) / (create_dir_name if create_dir_name else "tmp") tmp_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return tmp_path raise FileNotFoundError(f"Given venv has non of theses directories: {tmp_dirs}.")
[docs]def get_venv_site_packages_dir(venv_path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path: """Return path to site-packages dir of given venv. :param venv_path: Path to venv :raises FileNotFoundError: when no site-packages dir can be found for given venv. :return: Path to site-packages dir """ paths = list(Path(venv_path).glob("**/site-packages")) if paths: return paths[0] raise FileNotFoundError("Given venv has no 'site-packages' directory.")
[docs]def where_installed(program: str) -> Tuple[int, Optional[str], Optional[str]]: """Find installation locations for given program. Return exit code and locations based on found installation places. Search in current venv and globally. Exit codes: - 0 = nowhere - 1 = venv - 2 = global - 3 = both :param program: Program to search :return: Exit code, venv executable path, glob executable path """ exit_code = 0 exe = shutil.which(program) if not exe: return exit_code, None, None venv_path = None with contextlib.suppress(FileNotFoundError): venv_path = get_venv_path() bin_dir = "\\Scripts" if sys.platform == "win32" else "/bin" path_wo_venv = os.environ["PATH"].replace(f"{venv_path}{bin_dir}", "") glob_exe = shutil.which(program, path=path_wo_venv) if glob_exe is None: exit_code += 1 elif exe == glob_exe: exit_code += 2 exe = None else: exit_code += 3 return exit_code, exe, glob_exe