Source code for formelsammlung.env_exe_runner


    Call tools from tox environments.

    :copyright: 2020 (c) Christian Riedel
    :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE file for more details
"""  # noqa: D205, D208, D400
import subprocess  # nosec
import sys

from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional

[docs]def env_exe_runner( venv_runner: List[str], envs: List[str], tool: str, tool_args: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> int: """Call given ``tool`` from given `tox` or `nox` or `virtual` env considering OS. :param venv_runner: List containing: 'nox' and/or 'tox' and/or one or more 'virtual environment's :param envs: List of environments to search the ``tool`` in when 'tox' or 'nox' is in venv_runner. If neither 'tox' nor 'nox' is in ``venv_runner`` you may pass an empty list. :param tool: Name of the executable to run. :param tool_args: Arguments to give to the ``tool``. :return: Exit code 127 if no executable is found or the exit code of the called cmd. """ is_win = sys.platform == "win32" exe = Path(f"Scripts/{tool}.exe") if is_win else Path(f"bin/{tool}") cmd = None if not tool_args: tool_args = [] for runner in venv_runner: if runner in ("tox", "nox"): for env in envs: path = Path(f".{runner}") / env / exe if path.is_file(): cmd = (str(path), *tool_args) break else: path = Path(runner) / exe if path.is_file(): cmd = (str(path), *tool_args) if cmd: break if cmd is None: print(f"No '{tool}' executable found. Search in:") for runner in venv_runner: if runner in ("tox", "nox"): print(f"- '{runner}' envs: {envs}") else: print(f"- virtual env: ['{runner}']") return 127 return # nosec
[docs]def cli_caller() -> int: """Warp ``env_exe_runner`` to be callable by cli. Script to call executables in `tox`/`nox`/`virtual` envs considering OS. The script takes three mandatory arguments: 1. A string with comma separated runner (`tox` and/or `nox`) and/or virtual envs. 2. A string with comma separated `tox`/`nox` envs to check for the executable. The envs are checked in given order. If `tox`/`nox` are not part of the first arg you may pass a '-' as second arg. 3. The executable to call like e.g. `pylint`. All other arguments after are passed to the tool on call. :return: Exit code from ``env_exe_runner`` """ return env_exe_runner( sys.argv[1].split(","), sys.argv[2].split(","), sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4:] ) # pragma: no cover
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(cli_caller())